Sunday 18 November 2007


Next month we will celebrate Christmas and as every year Octavio Paz students will sing some songs in English. This year we have chosen four beautiful tunes.
The little ones will sing "Twinkle, twinkle little star"; 1st and 2nd grade will sing "White Christmas"; Cicle Mitjà will sing "What a wonderful World"; and, finally, 5th and 6th grade will sing "We are the world". Here you can find all four songs so you can practice at home. Enjoy!

El proper mes celebrem el Nadal i com cada any els alumnes d'Octavio Paz cantaran algunes cançons en Anglès. Aquest any hem escollit quatre belles melodies.
Els més petits cantaran "Twinkle, twinkle little star"; 1r i 2n cantaran "White Christmas"; Cicle Mitjà cantarà
"What a wonderful World" ; i 5è i 6è cantaran "We are the world". Aquí teniu totes quatre cançons perquè pogueu practicar a casa. Gaudiu!